Life To The Full!

Your Data/Privacy Protection

Your Privacy / Data Protection etc


This stuff is perhaps a little boring but it is very important for you to read! We at Elmfield Vets are committed to protecting your private information. We collect your name, address, phone numbers and email address when you register with the practice. This allows us to: provide your pet(s) with veterinary treatment/medications, process insurance claims, take and send referrals and patient histories (with your consent) from/to other vets/specialists/animal charities. It also allows us to utilise external laboratories and crematoriums, for debt-collection services, and in the event of a legal claim being made against us. We use your data (again, with your consent) for sending vaccination and appointment reminders and sometimes for other important news/promotional/informative materials we think may be of interest to you.

We will not share your data with any third parties without your verbal or written consent (unless we are legally obliged to do so) - and only staff members at Elmfield Vets have access to your information, along with our software-system provider (who also take appropriate measures to protect your data).

For Tax and legal reasons, we will retain your information safely at the surgery (password-protected software versions and safely-secured hard-copies) for 7 years after your last vet visit; at which time your records will be deleted and shredded respectively.

You can change your mind regarding your permission & preferences at any time by calling the surgery (02080663500), via email (, or in person when you visit.

If you ever have any questions about your data privacy please get in touch with us, or you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office by visiting: or by calling: 0303 123 113.